发布时间:2020-09-22 13:57:39

Announcement on Increasing the Total Number of Daily Visitors


According to relevant guidance documents issued by government agencies, and considering our readers' needs and the actual situation of our library, we decide to adjust our service arrangements as follows:

1.按限流50%的标准控制进馆人数和在馆人数总量。将每日进馆总人数调整至13000人,同时在馆人数调整至5000人。Control the total number of daily visitors and the number of visitors staying at the library according to the standard of 50% of the daily visitors in the past. The total number of daily visitors increases to 13000, and the number of visitors staying at the library at the same time will be controlled within 5000.

2.全面开放馆内服务区域(24小时智能图书馆除外)。Open all service areas in the Library (except 24-hour Self-service Library).

3.有序开展线下读者活动。读者需取得预约进馆资格后方可进馆参加相关活动。Carry out offline reader activities in an orderly manner. Readers need to make an appointment to enter the library before participating in relevant activities.






Please check in with your appointment records and health code, such as “Suikang” code or “Yuekang” code. When waiting in line, please wear a mask and have body temperature check, and keep at least one-meter distance from others.

Please remember to cancel the appointment in time if you are unable to come as expected, otherwise you will not be allowed to make another appointment within 7 days.



Welcome to use our book delivery service and digital library resources.



The above adjustments will take effect from Thursday, September 24th.

微信预约二维码/WeChat QR code for appointmenthttp://www.gzlib.org.cn/u/cms/www/20200721/20200721123653930001.png


电话服务时间/Telephone service time9:00-12:0013:30-17:30

(逢星期三暂停服务/Closed on Wednesday




                         广州图书馆/Guangzhou Library
